Learn How to Shift Your Mood


What if we knew that the relationship with our moods and emotions is one of the most powerful things we can do to shape the changes we want in our world? Mood Shifting For The Courageous by Crystal Presence     In times of change, we find ourselves heading into the unknown. We know we have to let go of how it has been and wonder how to make to a shift out of the old continuity. We do our best to be courageous in changing our perspectives and coming up with new ideas for taking action. It also takes embracing the moods and emotions that get stirred up inside. Unfortunately, we are faced with the constrictive cultural standards of how we are expected to respond. What if we knew that the relationship with our emotions is one of the most powerful things we can do to shape what we want our world? What if we bring forth a new context of living where emotions are embraced and responded to as a path to wellness? Research has shown that the more we understand and embrace our emotions the more our lives will be filled with ease and wellbeing. Think about it. When someone says the word “feelings”, what comes to mind? What is your initial response? Do any of these sound familiar? Oh no, I can’t feel this right now! I better put these emotions on hold, or I will make a fool of myself. I have to get rid of this mood, or I will ruin my chance of getting what I want.   Emotions are e-motions, energy in motion that alerts and guide us with different vibrational frequencies. If our energy feels dissonant, our emotions alert us to make a change. If our energy feels harmonious, our emotions are letting us…

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