Knowing how to communicate effectively is a very invaluable skill to have and it can help improve your personal and professional life tremendously.
It is not enough to just send a message to another person; it has to be sent in such a manner that the desired result is obtained.
Communication is therefore a two-way process. However, most people are unaware of how to communicate properly due to a variety of reasons.
If you are interested in finding out how to improve communication then the following tips will be of great use to you:
1. Give adequate attention when you are sending a message to someone. In other words, try to focus on each conversation so that you can give the right message out and avoid sending out mixed messages.
This applies as much to written messages as it does to verbal ones.
You should avoid the temptation of multitasking when you are communicating with someone else because it can lead to mistakes and hurt feelings.
2. Look for additional clues that will help you read between the lines. Do not take everything at face value.
This is especially important when you are having a face to face conversation with someone.
If the other person’s verbal and non-verbal do not match the content of the message then you can be sure that something is wrong.
3. Address communication errors as soon as they occur because they have the capacity of escalating to major problems.
Do not be afraid of asking the other person to clarify or offering a clarification yourself in order to avoid major issues.
4. Reinforce the message by repeating it if necessary or by using another means of communication in addition to it.
If you have had a telephone conversation on an important subject, something that includes names, dates or prices for instance, then it’s a good idea to send a text message or email with the details you have discussed so that there is no scope for doubts to remain.
5. Ask questions if you feel that you haven’t understood what a particular discussion is about.
Most people will be glad to answer you in detail because it shows that you are very interested in what they are talking about.
You will find it very easy to get along with people once you learn how to improve communication with them.
In fact, you’ll also realize that people are more likely to be helpful and accommodating if you communicate your requirements properly.