Be Helpful

Do not underestimate the impact of a small deed. We all know that the needs in this world are great. And so are the opportunities to make a big difference to the ones we touch.

The post Be Helpful first appeared on Dr. Rick Hanson.

The post Be Helpful appeared first on Dr. Rick Hanson.

This Wednesday Night Meditation included a 33-minute meditation and a 49-minute talk from Rick’s series on Wise Effort, focusing on being Already Home.

This is the first in a series on Wise Effort. Many people these days are feeling discombobulated, rattled, befuddled, alarmed, outraged . . . . What to do about this?

We need clarity about the efforts that we CAN make, and we need to find authentic ways to be at peace with what is out of our hands. So this series offers simple steps we can take in our own lives to find our footing, lower the pressures, and feel calmer and clearer inside.

This talk and meditation featured several quotations which can be found under the video players below.

I hope you find it helpful, and you are welcome to join my free Wednesday Meditations – which are open to everyone!

Meditation: Wise Effort – Already Home

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